The Institutional Quality Assurance Section of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo is a leadership assistant work unit responsible for quality assurance of institutions (institutional, human resources, academic input-process-output), in order to achieve performance indicators set for a certain period of time.

The function of the satker at the university level is emphasized on integrated quality management (Total Quality Management), while at the Faculty level it is emphasized on the Quality Assurance Function and for the Quality Control function it is emphasized at the Study Program level.


Duties of Units at BPMI
a. Quality Planning and Development Unit
1) Plan and organize the preparation and development of SPMI documents
2) Plan and organize the implementation of SPMI
3) Planning and organizing the preparation of study program accreditation forms
4) To plan and organize the preparation of boring institutional accreditation
5) Planning and organizing the implementation of ISO-based quality assurance programs
6) Planning and organizing the opening of a new study program or faculty
7) Planning and organizing strategic institutional documents (RENSTRA, STATUTA, RIP, RENOP)


b. Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
1) Organizing and developing an internal quality audit system based on SPMI or ISO
2) Organizing and developing a work unit performance appraisal system
3) Organizing and developing a monitoring and evaluation system for all University programs
4) Organizing and developing a monitoring and evaluation system for the existence of the study program (closure and internal accreditation)
5) Organizing and developing a customer satisfaction assessment system
6) Organizing and developing a lecturer competency assessment system (academic rank programs and lecturer certification)